Misc. Records - Under Construction

1835 St. John Census

Listing of 1890 St. Thomas Burials

1850 List of Negros on Annaberg Estate, St. John

1850 List of Negros on Leinster Estate, St. John

February 1919, Confidential Memo from Governor of Virgin Islands to Secretery of US Navy

Emancipation on St. Thomas and St. John: The Other Proclamation of 1848, by Poul Erik Olsen

1824 St. John register of free-colored, original

1824 St. John register of free-colored, transcribed by David Knight.

1906-1917 St. John register of births

Handelsk Danish West Indies

St. Thomas as a Naval and Coaling Station, Charles Edwin Tayler, 1891

"The Country We Forgot" by Daniel Henderson, McClures Magazine, Dec. 1919

A survey of the archives of St. John's Anglican Church, Christainsted, St. Croix, by Svend Holsoe